
Research using Google Classroom~Gifted & Talented

Problem of Practice How can I best reach my Gifted & Talented students with limited challenging materials that can extend their learning in a variety of different content areas?  Who: II currently have 5 Gifted & Talented students in my classroom. These students were identified as GT through a CogAT (Cognitive Aptitude Test). These students are all identified in the General Intellectual Ability strand of GT. This group of students consists of 4 boys and 1 girl.  What:  As a part of their ALP (Advanced Learning Plan), these students are required to have a project of their choice to extend their learning across the content areas.  Below I will outline my plan for how I will best reach these students. 1. The first plan of action is for students to pick their project idea. I will start with a student interest inventory to gauge what types of things they are interested in and want to learn more about. Once they have decided on their project idea, we wil

Problem of Practice

My problem of practice stems from my GT (Gifted and Talented) students not having access to adequate challenging material to extend their learning in a variety of different areas.  When a student in our school comes up as gifted, according to a variety of data points, we are asked to create an ALP (Advanced Learning Plan). This plan goes through their goals and activities that we want them to accomplish. We aren't really given any materials or resources. We are required to come up with these things on our own.  This year, I currently have 5 students who are gifted and talented. They are all interested in different things and want to have different goals and activities to go along with their goal. It is difficult to come up with ideas, resources, and time for these 5 students. 

My Introduction

Hello everyone!!  My name is Stephanie Stinchecum and I am from Colorado Springs, Colorado. I am in the home stretch of my Graduate program here at Lesley University. My goal is to graduate this summer! I am very excited about this new chapter in my life.  I am currently a second grade teacher in Fountain, Colorado. I have been teaching in the same school for the past 6 years and absolutely love it. I have been able to be in some leadership opportunities and use my knowledge and resources to help other staff members.  I am also in charge of our intervention program at my school. I also use technology in my classroom with my students. This year, I incorporated Google Classroom for the first time with my students and I am loving the results and the engagement. I also co-teach our STEM Club once a week and we are gearing up for our annual STEM Competition and I am so incredibly excited!  In my spare time, I enjoy reading. I am a huge history geek. I will read anything and everythi