
Showing posts from January, 2019

My Introduction

Hello everyone!!  My name is Stephanie Stinchecum and I am from Colorado Springs, Colorado. I am in the home stretch of my Graduate program here at Lesley University. My goal is to graduate this summer! I am very excited about this new chapter in my life.  I am currently a second grade teacher in Fountain, Colorado. I have been teaching in the same school for the past 6 years and absolutely love it. I have been able to be in some leadership opportunities and use my knowledge and resources to help other staff members.  I am also in charge of our intervention program at my school. I also use technology in my classroom with my students. This year, I incorporated Google Classroom for the first time with my students and I am loving the results and the engagement. I also co-teach our STEM Club once a week and we are gearing up for our annual STEM Competition and I am so incredibly excited!  In my spare time, I enjoy reading. I am a huge history geek. I will read anything and everythi