
Showing posts from March, 2019

TES Blendspace Problem of Practice Project

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Research using Google Classroom~Gifted & Talented

Problem of Practice How can I best reach my Gifted & Talented students with limited challenging materials that can extend their learning in a variety of different content areas?  Who: II currently have 5 Gifted & Talented students in my classroom. These students were identified as GT through a CogAT (Cognitive Aptitude Test). These students are all identified in the General Intellectual Ability strand of GT. This group of students consists of 4 boys and 1 girl.  What:  As a part of their ALP (Advanced Learning Plan), these students are required to have a project of their choice to extend their learning across the content areas.  Below I will outline my plan for how I will best reach these students. 1. The first plan of action is for students to pick their project idea. I will start with a student interest inventory to gauge what types of things they are interested in and want to learn more about. Once they have decided on their project idea, we wil